buyers don'ts

1. Don't hold out for the 'perfect ' house - there isn't one.

  2. Don't forget that compromise and prioritization are necessary elements in home buying.

3. Don't buy before you do some comparative shopping, especially if you are new to the area.

4. Don't write an unrealistic offer or you will be helping someone else's offer look good. 

5. Don't hesitate to negotiate if property is fresh on the market, priced right and popular.

6. Don't be afraid to write an offer above or below asking price - offer what the property is worth to you.

7. Don't work with more then one agent.

8. Do not wait for the right conditions to buy a home because there is no such thing.

9. Don't believe in misconceptions that there is right time  to buy - The right time is when find the right home.

10. Don't get too many family and friends involved in your buying decision.